Constantin W. Arnscheidt

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.

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(preprints should match the published text of the article up to minor typographical changes; for final article PDFs, email me at

C. W. Arnscheidt, D. H. Rothman (2022). "Presence or absence of stabilizing Earth system feedbacks on different time scales." Science Advances 8, 46, eadc9241. doi (free access), preprint (clearer figures)

C. W. Arnscheidt, D. H. Rothman (2022). "Rate-induced collapse in evolutionary systems". Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19, 191, 20220182. doi, free preprint

C. W. Arnscheidt, D. H. Rothman. (2022) "The Balance of Nature: a Global Marine Perspective". Annual Reviews of Marine Science. doi (free access)

C. W. Arnscheidt, D. H. Rothman. (2021) "Asymmetry of extreme Cenozoic climate-carbon cycle events". Science Advances, 7, 33, eabg6864. doi (free access), MIT News, VICE News

C. W. Arnscheidt, J. Marshall, P. Dutrieux, C. D. Rye, A. Ramadhan (2021) "On the settling depth of meltwater escaping from beneath Antarctic ice shelves". Journal of Physical Oceanography. 51, 7, 2257-2270. doi, free preprint

C. W. Arnscheidt, D. H. Rothman. (2020) "Routes to global glaciation". Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 476, 2239, 20200303. doi, free preprint, MIT News, IFLScience

C. W. Arnscheidt, R. D. Wordsworth, F. Ding (2019) "Atmospheric Evolution on Low-Gravity Waterworlds". The Astrophysical Journal , 881, 1, 60. doi, free preprint, Harvard Gazette, Forbes